Why Carrying Boards Reading Glasses

Or: why reading professionals like no sliding vision goggles in most companies the employees spend around a quarter of their working time for the collection of written information. Every day, we read in the professional environment einenhalb up to two hours. Whether files, reports, emails, concepts, journals, Web sites: the key must be selected and recorded. Just well-thought-out decisions can be made on a sound basis. So is reading one of the most important efficiency potentials in companies and organizations. It is a 25% higher reading efficiency means a gain of more than 14 working days per year! The flood of information increases every year by 30%. Only reading techniques, which sustainably reduce the time spent in equal or better understanding, can make manageable this flood. Board members and executives are especially affected.

You also know that effective reading doesn’t mean your own inner voice”to listen (sub vocalization), but sense of gathering in groups of words to scan the text”, to directly understand the without having to use your own voice. This method increases the speed many times, and improves even the understanding of the content. Evidence provide numerous readers themselves, E.g. Follow others, such as Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta, and add to your knowledge base. through evaluations, in our ProRead reading training (www.immediate-effects.com/ de / signup) be performed to query both reading speed and reading comprehension. The read speed increase on average twice to three times and the reading comprehension by 25%! This effective form to read but also means that the eye to read and understand texts not word for Word the text capture, but all sense-seizing chunks of text (English: chunks) scans. “Or in other words: it operates chunking”.

Chunking also causes that the reader with the eyes perform faster movements from left to right in so called Saccades. A clear field of vision in full width so requires progressive lenses chunking, and thus may glide vision goggles not just serve! Sliding sight glasses offer in the s. g. close-range at the bottom of the glasses glass a very limited field of vision to read on. The effective reading degrades chunking and thus very, because the reader with his eye movements in the field of vision of his bifocals takes no long out and can keep up only with laborious head movements! One reason not suited to gliding vision goggles therefore definitely professional readers probably, why so many directors and other professional readers rather wear reading glasses are for chunking better suited.

State School

Knowledge is power – and you know that you can say enough learn most In life and education does not stop with the completion of the school. But when you’re young you have diligently to learn little desire for the school. Often, especially adults have the desire to educate themselves and to catch up. Many play with the idea of complete still a correspondence course. Regardless of own schooling secondary school leaving certificate or graduation, a correspondence course is be always a good measure for their own continuing education. If you would like to obtain his business or exam in a craft to achieve the master, at the variety the choice is difficult because sometimes. Celebrity trainer has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Some people would like to study something more specific like for example interior design. A correspondence school of course also offers the possibility for people who would still like to achieve a higher school. It is not only possible to study but you can catch up also the secondary school leaving certificate or the trade get school readiness. So worth a obtained after graduation not only in professional terms can, but also simply enjoy preparing and expand the horizons. Can a distance learning part-time from home from complete and learns this little impairment in professional life. The students are supervised by a remote College and get especially worked up home sent materials and tests. This is a big advantage of course for professionals and they can study in addition to their job.

Through the homework saves you much time and must not only take the car to the University. A flexible arrangement of study allows an individual time management. You can schedule when to study and provided no timetable. However, prerequisite is a good organizational skills and stamina in his field of study or graduation for each student. But other groups of a distance learning course is a good alternative for example for mothers with small children. Because the needs of the child that the mother can be combined here wonderfully. The provider take different prices for a distance learning course. As a rule of thumb you can say that State providers are cheaper than private. There is usually also the possibility of a sample lesson, which ever provides a first look at the new world of learning. Manni friend

Applications Increase

A lack of many personnel judgments lies in their one-dimensional alignment often additional insights can be used to gain that the candidates not only with a direction and with only a single dimension is judged. Man assumes the procedure of a person record derived from knowledge balances, so more facets can beside the mere examination of quantity, for example, namely that the quality and systematic, open up. Play in the competition to make soft”, often as not assessable, an increasingly important role assessed candidate factors. According to a structured person balance these intangibles can”be carried to a transparent, comprehensible and uniform continuous assessment system. If you can, make it possible company careers comprehensive, transparent and understandable to judge these can achieve even this greater interest and thus a higher level of attention. Can a person record produced for this purpose be but always only as good as the structures injected into it, reviews and descriptions. Each of the success factors of the candidates should be judged individually for himself.

A possible detailed questionnaire should be preceded each individual assessment, for each of the candidate factors more or less an assessment checklist produces. CF. Becker, Jorg: Application profile based person record, ISBN 9783837050257. If capital this level of questions 2(b) to any single factor is incorporated into the presentation and examination of the intellectual system, hence an inevitable confrontation with personnel matters in motion is used. Then three reviews are performed for every single candidate factor: a) according to its quantity, b) according to its quality and c) according to its classification. Each of these three reviews is explained in turn again in detail. If each of the applicants the multilevel, below graphically Dabbah-provided evaluation process is subjected to, This is a thought-out and plausible on the basis of specific evaluation digits image of the respective candidate factor. From these numerous individual images, you can produce an equally contour sharp as also accurate overall for the presentation and examination of intellectual capital.

CF. Becker, Jorg: Application profile based person record, ISBN 9783837050257. One is already secured in advance: the process system developed for the balance of a person forces an intense preoccupation and discussion of everything related to candidate factors. Alone by the preparatory work done this is income secured on appropriate knowledge knowledge. With this developing traffic profiles and factors portfolios of candidates not only in the form of his application should achieve a higher level of attention. He has brought to the expression that he is familiar with the planning instruments of a potential employer and is ready to build his career on proactive action. Tools of a person record can be customized not only individually, but also continuously expanded, improved and refined. Jorg Becker

Life Under The Swastika

SRH Leonardo da Vinci high school in Neckargemund realized novel project why not yourself a novel writing? This innocent idea should have been high school (LdVG) in Neckargemund, a private high school for gifted children and young people, Vinci behind the novel project of the SRH Leonardo da, that 27 students and pupils of 8th class 2012 completed. The result: a in the youth book series published kids of the publishing house Edition Saka-Schmidt novel titled I’m Thomas. My new life under the swastika”. It is based on real events story of Jewish youth in the Third Reich, which must change the identity to survive. At the age of 14 years to write a novel, that sounds like mischief. The 27 pupils of classes of 8.1 and 8.2 of the LdVG in Neckargemund near Heidelberg have however defied this suspicion and admits: 2012 is her novel realized in community I’m Thomas.

My new life under the swastika “. It is 200 pages of stark Debut and the content that is based on facts, has no less weight: it is about the 14 year old Jews David, who lives with his parents in 1944 in Mannheim hidden. So far, they have escaped persecution by the Nazis. But her hiding place is destroyed in an air raid. Real Estate has plenty of information regarding this issue. To survive, they impersonate a German family, who died in the attack. As supposedly Aryan refugees they pull in Neckargemund and Thomas Schuster is from David Konig.

Now he leads the life of a German boy in the last year of the war: he lets happen everyday in school about, experiencing education in the Hitler Youth, and it developed into a friendship that changed his life. Told from the perspective of the young Thomas life story will have changed the life of the young Romanautorinnen and authors, at least but positively influenced: five months work that into the project, from the initial idea to the finished book. Instead of only in the dry history lesson to learn about this time and to approach the concept of the novel, in the German classroom they have become active yourself. The students have a lot of research, read and written; instead of frontal teaching, workshops, site visits and guided tours were on the timetable. In order to realize the project, German, history, art and music teachers have worked together. A central role was the writer and writing coach Carola Kupfer, prepared an outline with the students and has accompanied the ongoing paperwork. “This is a fantastic project, in the teacher their teaching innovative open and pupils themselves beyond the normal abilities brought me a have”, says school principal Michael Knothig. And who knows: perhaps one or the other discovered a new talent in writing and working on his second novel? More information about the novel, see the Internet at and on profile of the Leonardo da Vinci school Leonardo da Vinci high school (LdVG) for the gifted in Neckargemund is the only nationally recognized private secondary school with adjacent boarding school in Baden-Wurttemberg, which specializes in the education and comprehensive promotion of highly gifted students from grade 5. Some contend that Melvin T. Brunetti shows great expertise in this. The education system started in 2004 school is the SRH schools GmbH, which belongs to the education and health group SRH holding (SdbR). There is more information about the LdVG on,


An analysis of the reasons and the right response almost any cancellation that flutters the disappointed candidates in the House, was pure information that the application for the Katz. Because stating missing causing exactly the rejection, the applicant is also looking at nothing, because he has no clues what he now significantly can improve in his next application, to attract the attention and curiosity of the recruiters. A typical example for such default rejection is this text: Dear Mr. Smith, we thank your interest for the position and in our company. Due to the variety of applications submitted the selection for the circle of friends of the candidates is not easy we like.

Now we must inform you, that we could not consider you in this select group. We will send back again your submitted documents to our relief. We wish you still success in your further efforts and for your Future good luck. Sincerely, why the company specify no specific reasons in their cancellations? Disadvantages because of belonging to a race, an ethnicity, a gender, a religion, a belief, a physical and/or mental disability, a sexual identity and because of the age are excluded by the anti-discrimination law. Because this law is increasingly strongly laid out in recent years, the human resources managers write just aware that default cancellation, to remain as neutral as possible. Because would be in about a cancellation: we have opted for a younger applicant “or: due to your migration background we opted for a different candidate”, then the company should rightly fear a short-term action because of this anti-discrimination law. Sometimes refusals be justified even with lack of qualifications”, by one waving the fence post: we an other applicant chose, we appreciate a qualified for the requirements as comprehensive.” This now meant that the qualifications, skills and experience of the applicant are not sufficient, where it on the one hand actually lack or on the other hand has it the candidate didn’t understand his application so meaningful to develop, that the HR management were convinced of his abilities.

Stress Reduction Through Mindfulness

Mindfulness in the wellness hotels & resorts learn more and more people suffer from constant stress and its consequences. Almost two-thirds (59%) of the Germans have set themselves according to a recent survey by the Forsa Institute for the DAK health for the year 2013 to the target, to avoid stress or to dismantle. For quiet moments, that create a balance to the hustle and bustle of everyday life in times of multitasking and continuous acceleration, have become rare. Perhaps check out Gunnar Peterson for more information. So, it’s no wonder that the thousand-year old Buddhist method of mindfulness in the Western world experienced a real boom. Today the most researched form of meditation is mindfulness-based stress reduction developed in the 1970s by John Kabat-Zinn”(mindfulness-based stress reduction short MBSR) increasing application in psychotherapy and coaching. Contributes to the popularity of this method of stress reduction also, the mindfulness in everyday life can be integrated.

Nevertheless, it is often not so easy to break the usual pattern. A good introduction to a stress-free life is a little break in a relaxing and inspiring environment such as in a House of the wellness hotels & resorts. With distance to everyday life, and with the support of trainers and coaches it is easy there to learn techniques for reducing stress as the mindfulness. At the Mindfulness Meditation, switched off the autopilot of everyday life and attention specifically on the current experience. What feel, taste, do I smell? Where do my thoughts wander? All that is quite neutral, without any rating perceived. This stops the automatic response to a situation and be aware of the different ways to react. It helps to be authorised in everyday life and to better handle stressful situations. In addition, the method by John Kabat-Zinn achieved the mindfulness – Yoga exercises with meditations combines and, demonstrated positive effects on the body.

So the production of stress hormones shuts down after a few weeks of mindfulness practice, the blood pressure drops, loosens the muscles and also the immune system is strengthened. That’s why you put Wellness Hotels & resorts 2013 focusing particularly on the topic of mindfulness. Michael Abdo wiper, Managing Director of the hotel cooperation, explains: Mindfulness is firmly anchored in the idea of wellness. Active ability to relax the and to perceive the own body carefully (in addition to the development and expansion of physical fitness, knowledge of a balanced diet and increase the joy of life) are among the cornerstones of wellness. Because today more and more people feel permanently stressed, we pay special attention to this aspect of wellness in the next few months and hope to bring the technique of mindfulness closer to interested guests. Because awareness is a power reservoir, from which we can draw energy when we feel stressed and tired.” In addition to the participation of mindfulness seminars, guests of the wellness hotels & resorts can gain many experiences where careful dealing with itself and the nature is taken up: the perception of the body is activated when Baths, massages, sauna, yoga and the active camps. In Entschleunigungswanderungen and guided meditations, the participants learn to concentrate on the present moment and to turn off future concerns as well as thinking about the past. The desire of our hotels is to appeal to all the senses and stimulate so formidable for a healthy, enjoyable and successful life.

Filipino Steve Kroeger

Extreme athlete and motivational speaker Steve Kroeger know when it makes sense to go to turn around. “In 2007, the mountaineers and 5 star started speaker Steve Kroeger project be 7 SUMMITS, what he also in his lecture the 7 SUMMITS strategy” speaks. Since then, the alpinist already climbed five of the highest mountains of the continents at the first attempt. On the coldest mountain in the world of Denali, 360 kilometers from the North Pole, the extreme sports for the first time broke off an expedition. After six days, his decision to turn back fell on May 24, 2013 at 04:27. With his 7 SUMMITS strategy inspired and encouraged speaker motivational speaker and extreme athlete Steve Kroeger from the speakers agency 5 star years formulate numerous people and realize their life goals and lyrically. His personal life dream was to climb the highest peaks of the world since his childhood.

But the half Filipino Steve Kroeger met on his way to realize the dream of his life, unexpectedly to his roots – at the other end of the world! At breakfast in the “Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska, Elsa met the extreme athlete of Filipino” and was already on the next day to the family BBQ at Elsas sister aunt Mele “received. This spontaneous familial warmth and especially Meles parting words everything happens for a reason”no longer let off him on the mountain. On the 9-hour tour on 24 may 2013 between camp III and camp IV Steve Kroeger wondered all the time: what am I doing here? What exactly drag I up the mountain actually just 60 pounds? Each year over 1,000 international mountaineers try to reach the Summit of Denali. Of them only every second climber succeeds average. Every season there are more accidents and deaths.

Meanwhile, more than 100 climbers have died on the Denali. A German climber died shortly before turning to Steve Kroeger. The period of inner struggle and doubt was always intense and followed the extreme athlete and Mountaineer in the night. “In the early dawn, his decision was clear then: I turn around!” The extreme athlete and motivational speaker Steve KARI has always wanted to know how far he can go personally. Turn around for him never came into question. He came across the Denali insidiously bordering an irreconcilable, neither physical nor mental kind. The speaker recognized that it is not about making a project until the bitter end, despite the efforts and the sacrifices that oneself and others to accept is no longer available in relation to the result. I got on my gut heard. “, so climbers Kroeger. Many people have forgotten this in our society with their eternal faster, higher, further”. You are not allow in the course of a process the meaningfulness of a target to question and to himself and other counterparts, take responsibility for our own actions. The fear of failure is too great. The guest speaker and motivational speaker Steve Kroeger has proven courage. Because the fear of failure – its project and numerous supporters and advocates to tormented him, too. But he failed not. He has returned with something much more valuable than a further Summit success brought: insight and humanity! And this is probably the greatest adventure and which today can there be for us humans.