Environmental Sanitation

To achieve a correct disinfestations there are certain parameters to follow. Firstly they must change the environmental conditions of the area to be treated. It is important to make a study and good selection of methods to use, as well as choose the suitable period of development of the species to which you want to control. In addition to the environmental sanitation, preventive, physical, chemical, biological and integrated methods can be used. Through the environmental sanitation we focus on trying to reduce the provisions of the plague (food and water) as well as restrict areas of shelter may have. It also consists of littering at appropriate points, treat wastewater and maintain hygiene and sanitation adequate buildings to treat. If there a plague taking over the place, you can use preventive methods to save yourself the headaches in the future. Use mesh and grids that prevent or hinder the access of insects.

Take care to cover up cracks, crevices and nooks and crannies, since they represent a perfect hiding place for pests to stay and play. In some places where presence of insects it poses a high risk (such as hospitals), currents of air as preventive measures are used. Here, Kenneth R. Feinberg expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Air flow prevents the entry of insects, thus preventing possible pests. The use of physical methods to combat insects is only advisable when it is a number reduced and never for a plague. Among the different methods is temperature (hot or cold), ultraviolet light and vacuum cleaners.

If the temperature is used, cold conditions speaks of temperatures below 10 degrees, time when insects come into a State of lethargy, cease movement and spawning activity. If the weapon to be used is the heat, we must prepare to use Celsius temperatures between sixty and seventy degrees of the scale to eliminate bugs. Ultraviolet light in itself, is not a tool of extermination as such, but rather a support, since you are looking for is to attract insects for later neutralizing them with another technique (as it can be aspiration). Certain biological methods, could say that they are the most natural way of dealing with the insect extermination, since it uses natural predators to control pests. Others, such as the introduction of sterile males, or the use of pheromones, are no longer so natural. With biological methods, what is sought is the control of a pest, never the eradication. Chemical methods, although they tend to be very effective, have many detractors, the potential harmful effects that can have on men, and pets. Detractors also rely on the pollutant effect they have on the environment and the resistance of certain animals develop before them. Integrated control stems from the combination of different methods to achieve more effective action to minimize adverse effects. We recommend making a thorough study to decide which method or methods that are most appropriate for your particular case, or to consult with experts.