Learning To Walk

The first year of life the baby – the time when they can make themselves a variety of children's orthopedic disease. That is why in your list of mandatory visits to the pediatrician should be recorded: to visit an orthopedist when the child turns 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Cindy Crawford takes a slightly different approach. Only in this case, you will almost guarantee a quiet life. Time discovered the problem is likely to be defeated by special orthotic devices or shoe. Agree, it all does not go to any comparison with surgery, which sometimes have to do to those children whose parents do not wait too long to show their orthopedist.

In most cases, small deviations from normal form of the legs or feet in very young children do not pose a serious danger. Their appearance kid must of high mobility of joints and altered muscle tone. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Wais Jalali. And in order to better understand what is the source such problems, remember that kid of his life spent in my mother's belly, where he sat cross-legged. In this position, his hips are rotated forward and crushed knuckles tightness of temporary housing. Stop. Most often, parents notice that the kid with stops that something was wrong when he starts to walk. But it happens that even infants can be seen as the forefoot (the half of it that captures your fingers), to turn inward. This deviation can result from poorly positioned in the mother's abdomen, and up until the baby starts to walk, it is worth trying to fix it with a therapeutic massage and a fun exercise, during which little need will tickle the outer edge of the foot brush.

Ovulation Tests

To determine the period of ovulation using a variety of tests based on various changes in the female body during ovulation. To understand the degree of efficiency and reliability of various tests, ovulation must A brief overview of the physiological changes occurring. Analysis of characteristics of cervical mucus. During the menstrual cycle due to the effects of estrogen and progesterone properties and quantity of cervical mucus change. The largest number of stands in the middle of the cycle, during ovulation, and the smallest – during menstruation. Symptom of the tension of mucus.

If tweezers to get the mucus out of the cervical canal, then under careful cultivation of his of mucus form a thread, whose length depends on the viscosity of mucus. Maximum length of the filament observed in the ovulation period, when the viscosity of mucus is highest. The length of the filament is measured in inches – the higher the level of estrogen, the greater the its length. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle symptom string tension decreases and disappears before menstruation. Symptom of "pupil." Throughout the menstrual cycle under the influence of estrogen changes muscle tone of the cervix with a diameter of the external opening of the cervical canal. Expansion of the hole and the appearance of mucus in it begins with 8-9 days of the menstrual cycle, up to 14 days maximum aperture extends (up to 3-6 mm in diameter). A drop of mucus protruding from it, illuminated against the backdrop of pink mucosa similar to "pupil." In the days of mucus begins to decrease and the 18-20 day cycle, this symptom disappears, the cervix becomes "dry." Symptom "Fern." Cervical mucus when dried in air has the ability to crystallize. The intensity of crystallization depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, ie from the estrogen.

Mucus is taken out with forceps, which is introduced into the cervical canal to a depth of 5 mm, and then applied onto a glass slide, dried and examined under a microscope. During the period of ovulation during the crystallization pattern of leafy ferns. This property is in crystallization has a tear, is a basis of common work in our time-test microscope to determine ovulation. Change in basal body temperature (BT) is based on the temperature rise under the influence hormone progesterone. This test is a simple, easily accessible and fairly objective, but one should remember that it can affect any cause of non-hormonal nature (illness, accompanied by an increase body temperature). In addition, measurement of BT should be carried out at least for 2-3 menstrual cycles – only this method can be diagnostically valuable. The big disadvantage of the method of BT is that to evaluate Measurements can provide a doctor.

Probability Woman

This mother, by virtue of his experience will be more wise and patient. However, no one can not say about the sad statistics – that the probability of the kid with Down syndrome or other serious diseases in women 20 years is about 0.1%, and after 45 reaches 3%, that is 30 times more. Often women believe that still have time, and joy Maternity waiting for them to come. But if you look on the other hand, the time flows away from the unrelenting pace, and then – will there joy? Difficulties later genera Our doctors prefer to work with women who give birth at the age of 22 to 30. Nuances in it. At least, because that baby the mother's body must be strong and sturdy. How could a woman of 40 years having a healthy baby? Method – 'turned itself' – will not work. Nowadays, a woman who dreams to become a mother at 40 years, is well aware that it is necessary not to hurry, thoughtfully and carefully prepare your body for motherhood.

Freed from accumulated by this age of toxic contaminants – the consequences are not quite the correct way of life, migrated earlier diseases and bad habits – you clean and rejuvenate your body. If the newborn child is a part of his parents, his illness – a continuation of their failing health. When nature fails, Liability can also be a woman and a man. In consequence of this, a man is easier to prepare himself to the sacrament of conception.