Media and Health

The Media and its power of Communication in the Process of the Promotion in 1,1 Health SUMMARY the medias, make possible diverse forms of information. The communication while it forms to educate, in the most diverse fields inside of a society, can desencandear to know in cultural levels, transforming cultures laypeople into a society of bigger sapincia. The media, either televising it, radiofuso, or same writing (folder' s, pamphlets), can bring a good one resulted if articulated in all the levels of the society, it well can for example, adentrar in poor, aboriginal communities, where it is lacking medias to them as the TV, radio and to inform to them for example, as if to protect of the virus of the grippe, to wash the hands before if feeding etc, in the most diverse forms: high falante, pamphlets, and even though lectures for staff trained for such. That is media. Therefore, this work has as responsibility, to argue as the media can become precurssora in the paper of prevention in health in one given population, society. WORDS KEYS: Media, communication, health 1,2 ABSTRAT The measured, enable various forms of information.

The communication a means you educate, in the most diverse fields within society, unleashing knowledge on cultural levels, transforming cultures lay people in society of to greater wisdom. The measured, be it television, television, or even writing (to folder ' s, pamphlets), can to trzer good result if well articulated at all levels of society, she can e.g to enter in poor communities, indigenous, where ploughs they missing measured such the TV, radio and inform by them, if protecting emplo influenza virus, wash hands before feeding etc, in various ways: to speaker, pamphlets, and even lectures by staff trained will be this. This is measured. Therefore, this work has the responsibility, you discuss how the measured can become precurssora in the rolls of prevention in health in population, society.

Competent Communication

This process, by the way, permeia all the actions of the nurse, beyond propitiating, or not, well-being of the patient. The competent communication is a capacity that can be acquired (STEFANELLI; OAK; ARANTES, 2005). The communication must in such a way be worked by the nursing, so that if it prevents to give to a form assistance mechanics and unprovided of feelings, that is, devoid of communication on the part of professional, how much of the patient. As al Hisses et (2000), the academic formation tends to make the nursing professionals to try to contain its emotional and sentimental expressions, so that they do not intervine in its daily and therapeutical activities. However, the envolvement with considered situations sad, as pain, death and mutilations, is not only desgastante, as it can unchain daily conflicts, based only for a control attempt, but that it exceeds the personal and professional limits. On the academic formation, these authors question if the professionals who need to eliminate the proper feelings and emotions, during its professional life, do not become indifferent the perception of the express not-verbal manifestations for that they are under its cares. For Oliveira et al (2005), the necessary communication to be considered inside of the occurred context, that is, as and when it occurs.

In case that contrary, its direction can be wronged. As authors, the assistance to the health must be planned for each interaction, and in accordance with the necessities of each patient. In this direction, it can be said that the communication is part of the activities of the nurse because it is used in situations such as in the interview, in the physical examination, the planning of the assistance, the notations in the handbook, the consultations of nursing. From there it comes to the importance of the nurse to have conscience of the form of as if of the o communication process and the elements compose that it.

For Mahan

' ' Vitamin C meets in the nature under two forms: reduced or oxidated (acid deidroascbico); both are equally active, however the oxidated form this very exactly spread out in you substantiate them natural. The transformation of the AA in acid deidroascbico occurs normally in the interior of the organism and is reversible, allowing that one of its substances can always be transformed into outra.' ' (AZULAY et al., 2003, P. 265? 266). For Mahan and Stump (1998, P. 112) ' ' vitamin C promotes resistance the infections through the imunolgica activity of the leukocytes, of the production of interferon, the process of inflammatory reaction or the integrity of the membranes mucosas.' ' In accordance with the site,, ' ' vitamin C can react with the free radicals, actuando as choke of free radicals. In such a way, vitamin C possesss a protector effect on the cell, including the material gentico.' ' WC apud Padilha and Pinheiro (2004, P. 256) detaches that ' ' vitamin C (acid ascrbico) has its possible mechanism of action as choke of carcinognese mammary also based in the defense antioxidante.' ' The serious deficiency of acid ascrbico cause escorbuto The classic symptoms include hiperceratose to folicular, swelled and inflamed gengivas, loss of teeth, dryness of the mouth and the eyes, loss of hair and dry skin and pruriente.' ' (MAHAN; STUMP, 1998, P. 114).

Mahan and Stump (1998, p.114) affirm that this vitamin possesss as better sources ' ' fruits and vegetables, preferably, acdicas, cool e, when necessary, quickly cozidas in very little water and served imediatamente.' ' ' ' An orange offers to all the daily amount of necessary vitamin C to the organism. (DUARTE, 2006, P. 86). Vitamin and or tocoferol can be found ' ' in great amount in oleoginosos vegetables: embryo of wheat, seed of sunflower, coroo of cotton, oil of dend, peanut, maize and soja.' ' (DUARTE, 2006, P.

Humanistic Theory

The presence also involves the attitude to be open, percipient and available. Calls and answers are understood as the communication in simultaneous way (BUBER, 1974; LCIO et al., 2008). The scientific dialogue is characterized by the interpretation of the lived deeply intuitivo dialogue, adding the known dialogue. Relation EU-ISSO consists then, that the man allows to interpret, to categorize and to add the knowledge. In it sharing of knowledge is prepared, from subjects appeared of the lived deeply experience (LCIO et al., 2008).

According to Lcio et al., (2008), the scientific fusing intuitiva- encloses the understanding of the moment where if it gave to the meeting between the intuitivo and the scientific one. In this instant, even so the nurse (a) if distancie of the particularitities of the experiences lived deeply in search of a new point of view, keep a proximity with previous phase e, at the same time, he pursues a point of view articulated of the experience that passes to be disclosed in one all coherent one. In accordance with Paterson and Zderard; Lcio et al., (2008) the Humanistic Theory judges the nursing as a form of I dialogue that it involves the human beings that are made use if to relate ones with the others, where in this relationship, the meeting with the other is sincere, intense occurring a privacy degree influencing the involved people. According to Paterson and Zderard (1979); Lcio et al., (2008), to adopt the process to take care of of the Humanistic Theory, is to work with the practical one of nursing practises from them that they involve the nurse and the receiving person of its care, necessarily articulated between itself. However, to define the main idea of the humanistic nursing is not an easy task, therefore it depends on the existenciais and fenomenolgicas experiences of the involved individuals, endowed with values, perceptions, myths and expectations front the experiences.

National Program

REVISION DE LITERATURAPreocupado with the quality of the attention to the customer of the health services, in 2001, the Health department initiated the National Program of Humanizao of Assistncia Hospitalar (PNHAH), in the public services of health. The proposal of the PNHAH it includes the physical infrastructure provision in such a way and new technological resources, as the qualification of the human resources for the development of action that values the dimension subjective human being and, present in all act of assistance to the health (10). The current Nursing if comes across with two new challenges. The first one is to follow the technological advance and as it is to enter in the experience of the other, transforming making technician in nursing, in a humanizada art (11). For the society, the UTI means suffering, death, technology and lack of humanismo. The vertiginous technological and scientific advance that facilitated the therapeutical process caused to desumanizadas structures and more distant relationships each time, with the consequent supervaluation of the technology in detriment of the humanizao of the care in nursing (12).

It is important to consider that the familiar accompanying visitor also suffers with the period of hospitalizao, ahead of as much impotence, unreliability, anxiety uncertainties. This makes in them to think about the necessidade of care that this familiar one lacks in the period where a dear being meets hospitalized and in the lack of qualification of the professionals in considering familiar as the subject one of the care, as much how much that one that is hospitalized. Therefore, this care cannot be broken up, be centered in the pathology and technological apparatuses, but seen as a moment of interaction with the nursing team, in order to establish a relation of aid and confidence with the visitors (13). In a study (14) on the signalling of the nurse it enters the papers of familiar visitors and companions of adult-aged, was observed that the companions have of if adapting to the scene of the hospital, that cannot be modified for assuring comfort to it, and that, even so is not a pleasant experience, them assume its roles with resignation, supported for a moral obligation in relation to paciente.3.

The Patient

During the visit schedule you have orientaes on the state of its relative? ( ) yes ( ) not 7.1 If, yes, who makes these orientaes? ( ) doctor ( ) nurse ( ) psychologist ( ) others . What she bothers more you during the visit to its familiar one? ( ) time of visit and schedule ( ) state of the patient ( ) well-taken care of of nursing ( ) surrounding of the UTI ( ) others How you consider the professionals who give the cares to its relative? ( ) educated ( ) impolite ( ) indifferent ( ) affectionate 10. How you consider the attendance offered to its relative? ( ) good ( ) very good ( ) to regulate ( ) bad ( ) pssimo 4. RESULTS AND QUARREL It fits to detach that the majority of the visitors to the patients interned in the UTI of the particular hospital of Ceres-GO, has of 31 the 42 years, after that for individuals of 43 the 55 years, later equivalents for people between 18 the 30 years and of 56 the 67 years and for a lesser number of people with more than 67 years as it illustrates table 1. Table 1. Etria band of the visitors to the patient in the UTI of the Hospital. N age de Visitantes % the 18 30 years the 9 15,00 31 42 years the 25 41,67 43 55 years 11 18,33 56 67 years 9 15,00 Above of 67 10,00 years 6 Total 60 100 Source: Research of Field, 2010.

Collective Health

INTRODUCTION Since the antiquity the health is seen as a good individual, which the treatment of true infectious epidemics that certainly can so only have existed and the affected individuals was treated, whereas excessively said the healthy ones certainly ranks of side without nenhumaou any attention of the cuidadores of the time. For example, we can cite the receitadores of many frmacos for few illnesses, vulgarly called boticrios, were very popular figures for return of the average age, as the science of the health still engatinhava for what we have in the present time, was very common to deal with only one individual a family whereas nothing he was done regarding the excessively integrant ones of the family, independent of what it could be treated (). It is intended by means of this article to characterize the performance and importance of the nurse in the scope of the collective health. In view of that currently he is one of the professionals who work in communities integrating jointly with other professionals, responsibilities for the supply of health. METHODOLOGY Is about a bibliographical research, of descriptive nature, carried through by means of a data-collecting concerning the work of the nurse in the collective health. For the elaboration of the research it was necessary to consult works published in scientific articles that treated to the collective subject health and in books on primary attention and PSF. The described ones chosen had been: Collective health, nurse, primary attention, PSF. ANALYSIS AND QUARREL OF THE DATA HISTORICAL CONTEXT AND EVOLUTIVO OF THE THOUGHT OF THE COLLECTIVE HEALTH The first act of the action of the nursing for the collective was attendance given for Florence Nightingale, considered one of the biggest examples of the nursing and still consecrated as mother of this science, during its notable participation in the War of the Crimia, that carried through atendimentos to the wounded of the war of both the sides, showing respect for the life of the fellow creature above of the split generated for the occasion, in way that all received the cares necessary and was kept in different places of the not sick ones, so that these last ones later did not come to adoecerem ().