If we spoke of the so impressive growth, of this relatively new called modality e-commerce, and we would want to do something of history, would not have but remedy that to include an extensive list mentioning to many people who have contributed in great form to this growth, I am talking about to the calls gures of Internet. Originally I thought about including a very brief list with the fifteen or at least ten name, of most famous or made famous, between Spanish-speaking English-speakers and. But later I said myself: that criterion would apply to conform this list, to who first and who later? , without a doubt it would be a vitiated list of subjectivity. So that not to hurt susceptibilities I preferred not to include this list in the present article. But, that list would be composed by people of much prestige, trajectory, experience and success, with authority on the subject, with more or less accumulated money, even until with million gained dollars, but, besides all that, certainly and basically, by common people like you and like I. That can that way have some questions floating that you would like to do to me: You really think that they are common people? That they have these people to have achieved the success? Well, I am going them to you to respond in that order. If, I absolutely create that they are common people. If him questions to each of them who were doing ten or fifteen years back, will say that, astonished to you before the possibilities that glimpsed in Internet; and that just began to discover an option in e-commerce. But also they will say that some told you on something of money, another no, even some in bankruptcy, some had a work, another no; but mainly, all of them, by that one time, will say to you that they had the same doubts, the same restlessness, the same questions, the same indecisions, the same fear, that you perhaps have at this moment.