Buy Or Borrow? Pros And Cons

Diverse special machinery and equipment for construction sites are now popular, there are new methods of construction, which can not be realized without the use of new technical developments. During the past couple years of extremely high demand is also a road-building equipment, its cost is extremely high, many companies are at risk of acquiring it. To date, a large number of construction companies in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine refuse an independent (a) the content of the construction machinery – tower cranes, mobile cranes, bulldozers and excavators are idle most of the time, but do not apply in the workplace. Annually create new versions that help solve more and more diverse construction problems. The young company is almost impossible to compete with the already "mature" and "trust" the big companies, because if the "restore" "vehicle even once a year, you quickly go broke and will have no choice but to close his business. In most countries have already chosen a long time advanced method – rent special equipment. With time and spaces of our country are companies that work in this direction.

Almost always, even in small firms that do not have anything to do with the construction, there is a need to use special equipment. It is foolish to buy mobile crane for several hours. Just by renting the building construction is much quicker and certainly cheaper. No need to hire qualified drivers and pay them wages, and do not need to conduct costly staff training. Along with renting special equipment you simultaneously avoid major maintenance special transport and waste money on gasoline. If you are unsure or are simply unable to determine a suitable type, kind or model of machinery, do not worry – the managers of the company will provide assistance in professional adviser. He will visit the facility to estimate the time, conditions and scope of work, will give advice in choosing a particular building machinery. One must not forget that the use of modern machinery ensures the quality and complete safety of the operations.

The Edge

The diameter of the new spring should be slightly less than the broken switch .- Assemble in reverse order .- Check that the new spring: it should return to its original position at the closed valve heads and fall head vody.Ten from the push-button pereklyuchatelyPrichina – damaged gland. Remedy – Replace the rubber seal rings: – Close the valve head mixer .- Remove the spout and flexible Remove the hose .- button 4 with the rod 6. To do this, hold the end of the rod with pliers so it does not rotate. Better do it through a cloth so as not to damage the coating rod .- Using a metal rod to remove Remove the adapter .- valve 7 with the rod .- Remove the damaged O-ring seal-3 and put in its place a new switch .- gather in a reverse fault poryadke.Osnovnye mixer with two gated golovkamiObilnaya shadow from under mahovikPrichina fault: the stem of the pin fell out. Remedy – insert the pin in place – access to water shut-off valve to the head – clear flywheel housing with the valve head, as in the case of replacement – seals – with your fingers or pliers, gently pull the rod out of the case for tetrahedral end – insert the rod into the hole the pin using tweezers (or, if you can, with your fingers). Pin must be tight to enter the stem. If he "hangs out" in the hole the rod, then wrap the inserted end of the pin a little flow of water through penki.Postoyannoe spout smesitelyPervym business determine the temperature of the flowing water, if it is warm, the valve is faulty hot water if – the cold, the valve cold vody.Prichiny fault: 1) the uneven edge of the saddle valve seat can golovki.Sostoyanie check visually (with sufficient light) or with a screwdriver, having its end at the edge of the saddle. .