National Program

REVISION DE LITERATURAPreocupado with the quality of the attention to the customer of the health services, in 2001, the Health department initiated the National Program of Humanizao of Assistncia Hospitalar (PNHAH), in the public services of health. The proposal of the PNHAH it includes the physical infrastructure provision in such a way and new technological resources, as the qualification of the human resources for the development of action that values the dimension subjective human being and, present in all act of assistance to the health (10). The current Nursing if comes across with two new challenges. The first one is to follow the technological advance and as it is to enter in the experience of the other, transforming making technician in nursing, in a humanizada art (11). For the society, the UTI means suffering, death, technology and lack of humanismo. The vertiginous technological and scientific advance that facilitated the therapeutical process caused to desumanizadas structures and more distant relationships each time, with the consequent supervaluation of the technology in detriment of the humanizao of the care in nursing (12).

It is important to consider that the familiar accompanying visitor also suffers with the period of hospitalizao, ahead of as much impotence, unreliability, anxiety uncertainties. This makes in them to think about the necessidade of care that this familiar one lacks in the period where a dear being meets hospitalized and in the lack of qualification of the professionals in considering familiar as the subject one of the care, as much how much that one that is hospitalized. Therefore, this care cannot be broken up, be centered in the pathology and technological apparatuses, but seen as a moment of interaction with the nursing team, in order to establish a relation of aid and confidence with the visitors (13). In a study (14) on the signalling of the nurse it enters the papers of familiar visitors and companions of adult-aged, was observed that the companions have of if adapting to the scene of the hospital, that cannot be modified for assuring comfort to it, and that, even so is not a pleasant experience, them assume its roles with resignation, supported for a moral obligation in relation to paciente.3.