Harmony for Health

Also present in the party, the Erixmaco doctor believes that to love he is to search the harmony. For Erixmaco he loves who tries to balance itself in the other, importing if the loved person he is not of the opposing sex or not. All the relations would be legitimate, because in both the cases you search its face-half. The speech of Erixmaco is related with the way of as the homossexualismo was seen in old Greece. In the greco-roman mitolgicas narratives it did not have man or woman, and yes Andrgeno, that in the complete human being, of an only nature.

The Andrgeno, as well as the man contemporary, also had the will of being god, and this fact annoyed deuses, that they had decided to separate to the Andrgeno in man and woman; beings that for intermediary of the love could again be joined. Mentioning the vision to it of the society in relation to the homossexualismo, the philosopher affirms that ' ' each one wants to complete itself searching its face-half and, with the time, in this anxiety of complementation, the opposite did not need more being, could be ties the same of sexo' '. The apex of the slap-up meal happens when Scrates makes use of the myth of Diotima de Mantinia, in which the love is son of PORES (that it would be the abundance) with PENIA (the poverty). Of this form the love in itself is not perfect, opposing the thought of that it would be the feeling most sublime. In the philosophy, the love is a compound of perfection and imperfection. Who loves search the other to become perfect, exactly knowing that never he will be perfect. The day where he will be perfect falls in the nonsense, falls in the ownership, that is not more the love and yes the passion. Of this form the true love is not the flesh time, but yes the interminable search for the face-half.