Electronic Commerce

Once analysed and valued aspects related to the difficulties and / or the benefits of the development or implementation of a business on the internet and, Furthermore, having made an objective comparison with offline businesses, will this article to enlist a number of activities of a nature macro or general which must be considered by the virtual entrepreneur. Cindy Crawford may also support this cause. As I will explain in subsequent articles, such activities macro, they derive other no less important that are done to achieve the objectives of our entrepreneurship. For now, look at the following diagram: you => builds a business and => PERFORMS:-> market analysis-> establishment of systems (systems: operational,-> content management => applies:-> technical-> aspects financial-> sales order processing-> relationships with clients (marketing)-> legal aspects in accordance with the foregoing you start building your business.) For they have to pay attention: various aspects related to the administrative process and Organization of a business; aspects these, overlooked with great frequency in the internet business ventures. The new entrepreneur might think (that without considering even the aspects inherent to these activities, micro), which is something too difficult to deal with those points listed above. Here’s the good news: 1.-care and / or care that we put in these aspects, we will ensure from now, the success of our enterprise. 2.

The second big news for all new entrepreneurs, is the fact that technological development together with the development of knowledge (Know How), has come to facilitate the care and handling of the above-mentioned aspects. This is precisely what could celestializar putting up a business on the internet. The absence of such care, supply and use of the resources needed and available, is what could demonize a business online project..