We offer the most simple and proven. In the future, to gain experience, you can always upgrade the plan based on the characteristics own constitution. Plan is for one cycle (cycle time for each athlete individually, guided by one and a half to two and a half weeks). Technique to sharpen with some emphasis on the bench. The plan includes utility room – additional exercises. Additional exercises, there are many – choose the most efficient, worked out your lagging muscle. In parentheses are given options for utility room for each parent exercise. Each workout, leave no more than 2-3 of them.
Such exercises are usually performed for 6-12 repetitions for 2-3 sets of each exercise. Before starting the exercise needs a little warm – to work with small weights, prepare to work ligament, heat the muscles. More info: Rand Paul. With regard to rest between sets – do not rush, let the body recover. When performing the basic exercises vacation should consist of from 3 to only 10 minutes between approaches. For additional exercises rest can be reduced. Day 1: A strong bench press 1.
Bench Press on the horizontal bar (5 sets). The number of repeats in the approaches, not counting the warm-up, 3-5. 2. Utility room (bench press Incline bench press standing, narrow grip bench press, french press, layout dumbbells in hand, Dips). The purpose utility room for the bench press – load the shoulder muscles, upper and lower sections of the breast. Day 2: Squat 1. Squats (4-5 approaches). The number of repetitions – 3-5.