Competent Communication

This process, by the way, permeia all the actions of the nurse, beyond propitiating, or not, well-being of the patient. The competent communication is a capacity that can be acquired (STEFANELLI; OAK; ARANTES, 2005). The communication must in such a way be worked by the nursing, so that if it prevents to give to a form assistance mechanics and unprovided of feelings, that is, devoid of communication on the part of professional, how much of the patient. As al Hisses et (2000), the academic formation tends to make the nursing professionals to try to contain its emotional and sentimental expressions, so that they do not intervine in its daily and therapeutical activities. However, the envolvement with considered situations sad, as pain, death and mutilations, is not only desgastante, as it can unchain daily conflicts, based only for a control attempt, but that it exceeds the personal and professional limits. On the academic formation, these authors question if the professionals who need to eliminate the proper feelings and emotions, during its professional life, do not become indifferent the perception of the express not-verbal manifestations for that they are under its cares. For Oliveira et al (2005), the necessary communication to be considered inside of the occurred context, that is, as and when it occurs.

In case that contrary, its direction can be wronged. As authors, the assistance to the health must be planned for each interaction, and in accordance with the necessities of each patient. In this direction, it can be said that the communication is part of the activities of the nurse because it is used in situations such as in the interview, in the physical examination, the planning of the assistance, the notations in the handbook, the consultations of nursing. From there it comes to the importance of the nurse to have conscience of the form of as if of the o communication process and the elements compose that it.