Why Carrying Boards Reading Glasses

Or: why reading professionals like no sliding vision goggles in most companies the employees spend around a quarter of their working time for the collection of written information. Every day, we read in the professional environment einenhalb up to two hours. Whether files, reports, emails, concepts, journals, Web sites: the key must be selected and recorded. Just well-thought-out decisions can be made on a sound basis. So is reading one of the most important efficiency potentials in companies and organizations. It is a 25% higher reading efficiency means a gain of more than 14 working days per year! The flood of information increases every year by 30%. Only reading techniques, which sustainably reduce the time spent in equal or better understanding, can make manageable this flood. Board members and executives are especially affected.

You also know that effective reading doesn’t mean your own inner voice”to listen (sub vocalization), but sense of gathering in groups of words to scan the text”, to directly understand the without having to use your own voice. This method increases the speed many times, and improves even the understanding of the content. Evidence provide numerous readers themselves, E.g. Follow others, such as Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta, and add to your knowledge base. through evaluations, in our ProRead reading training (www.immediate-effects.com/ de / signup) be performed to query both reading speed and reading comprehension. The read speed increase on average twice to three times and the reading comprehension by 25%! This effective form to read but also means that the eye to read and understand texts not word for Word the text capture, but all sense-seizing chunks of text (English: chunks) scans. “Or in other words: it operates chunking”.

Chunking also causes that the reader with the eyes perform faster movements from left to right in so called Saccades. A clear field of vision in full width so requires progressive lenses chunking, and thus may glide vision goggles not just serve! Sliding sight glasses offer in the s. g. close-range at the bottom of the glasses glass a very limited field of vision to read on. The effective reading degrades chunking and thus very, because the reader with his eye movements in the field of vision of his bifocals takes no long out and can keep up only with laborious head movements! One reason not suited to gliding vision goggles therefore definitely professional readers probably, why so many directors and other professional readers rather wear reading glasses are for chunking better suited.