New Website By Markus Rogan Online

Euro Web designed official website for world class swimmers the new webpage of performance Austrian swimmer Markus Rogan can be reached just in time before the summer Olympics in the English capital under. The new design has been developed by the Dusseldorf agency Euroweb. Titled water meets passion”the Internet page of the young candidate of the medals went live recently. The multiple European champion Markus Rogan is a sports star of hearts above all in Austria, but also far beyond. in 2005, he set a new world record in the 200 m backstroke and won silver at the Olympics and the World Championships.

Markus Rogan is Austria’s most successful swimmer of all time with more than 20 medals already. The creation of the new Internet presence of Markus Rogan took over the Euroweb Internet Agency. Objective was a contemporary and emotionally engaging design and easy access to information about Markus Rogans life and his remarkable achievements for the design. Convinced by the new Web presence exceptional image-strong lead, a high usability and clarity. Many picture elements invite you to literally dip. The special feature of this page is in the detail: an individual design was made for all navigation areas. The home quickly refers to important information. Also on the home page, a news, press and is Twitter channel for the latest releases.

Structure and navigation of all sections open up quickly and intuitively. Various photos, videos and interviews offer photos in particular the fans and friends of Markus Rogan in the section & fascinating clips look also into the private life of the attractive Leistungssportlers.Infos to his social commitment get Web visitors in the Downloadarea dedicated “Markus supports the UN in the fight against drugs”. The website of the Austrian performance athlete Markus Rogan was designed by Art Director Julia Heuer from Dusseldorf and implemented by the coder Gezim Nagarajan: it was important that visitors to the site two fascinating facets meet by Markus Rogan. Under the heading of Markus privately you can see him seriously on the one hand, on the other hand funny. His fans appreciate this casual type as well as the passion with which he is always. A clear structure and elaborate collages put deliberately in scene”the versatility of the young athlete, explains Julia Heuer. The Web site of the competitors and Stanford graduates is available also in English.