Athletical Association

To finish as we start, we go to the question that does not want to be silent: by chance the bridge inspired the name of the two curitibanas Bridges? The question makes sensible. After all, in Campinas, the railroad bridge gave name to the quarter and to the club. Only that, in the case of Curitiba, we do not have safe elements to answer to the question. What we know is that, under the bridge, old, the sales of crabs brought of the coast were common. Then, in contrast to today, it was practically a point of social meeting and commerce, burburinho.

With this, until it can have inspired the Bridge that disputed the matches of the decade of 30. But hardly a Bridge of the decade of 90, when the viaduct already was disactivated, without I appeal football none, without field of soccer in the next neighborhood is the Stadium Durival Britto, but the proximity was not enough to change the name of the HERE Railroad one, nor of Colorado EC, much less of the Paran Club. Ademais, the Bridge of years 90 also was Athletical Association, what it makes to believe that was really plus one of the innumerable homages to the campineira Monkey.