A trauma is often the result. This often affects care and adoptive children. They come mostly from families in which domestic violence, neglect, physical abuse, or sexual abuse had to be lived through. If this trauma is not handled, the lifelong consequences and greatly restricts the quality of life.
A trauma therapy helps children handle their negative experiences, by among other things their self healing potential is triggered. The graduate teacher Heike Bangert Wang from ubach-Palenberg informed about the trauma therapy for nursing and adoptive children. Trauma work helps children, mostly bad experiences are exposed to negative experiences to handle care and adoptive children. For one, their family of origin can be broken down, so that an accommodation in an adoptive or care necessary is and on the other hand it may be there too problems. These children often feel neglected and unwanted. Especially the fear of having to leave the familiar environment, once again traumatized many children. The therapy takes advantage of the existing self healing of children and young people. Stimulates them with different approaches and not only the fear of the memory back to normal, but it creates a sense of security, which is crucial for care and adoptive children.
Lost confidence rises in the positive. The cooperation with the caregivers occupies a special place in the dream work with children. These will be included, because for them, it is also a challenge and they need a full support in dealing with traumatized children.