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“The Emperor’s New Clothes” ist eine Geschichte der Kindheit meiner Favoriten. Es brachte mich zum Lachen. Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass alle Erwachsenen waren rumstehen, zuzusehen, wie der Kaiser selbst verspottet und nicht die Wahrheit. Als ich aufgewachsen und zur Arbeit ging, entdeckte ich, dass es nicht so einfach. In zwanzig Jahren im Management erkannte ich, dass die meisten Menschen, die als Minister des Kaisers zu betreiben. Ich sah die Menschen am meisten besorgt Person lächerlich, Stimmen, mehr betroffen, was Sie dachten, dass Sie zu sagen hatte zu sagen, was sie zu sagen hatte, Wagen und mehr sorgen, was er dachte, dass der Chef hören wollte, die ihrer Sicht bieten. Glücklicherweise gab es Ausnahmen.

Wenn Sie bei der Arbeit gewinnen wollen, finden Sie einige von ihnen. Um erfolgreich zu sein, brauchte er Menschen, die es nicht mehr, als der Kaiser die Fabel der Kinder war. Ich brauchte Menschen bereit sind, die Wahrheit zu sagen, zumindest die Wahrheit wie es, sah Menschen bereit, zurückfahren und die Herausforderung, und sie sagen mir Dinge, die nicht Liebling, aber gegebenenfalls zu hören. Jetzt, wo ich als Kolumnist, Autor und Lehrer bin, ist mein Ansatz dasselbe. Ich brauche Leute mir die Wahrheit sagen, wenn die Wahrheit muss, wenn ich oder nicht Fragen. says on the issue.

Können Sie nicht immer mögen, was sie zu sagen haben, aber ich bin froh, dass er es sagte. Es kann nicht immer ihren Rat, aber ich bin dankbar, dass Sie es angeboten. Und nicht immer einverstanden mit ihnen, aber ich weiß tief hören und wir glauben, dass es ist. Wurden gerettet aus unzähligen Störungen, Störungen in Sätze und blinden Flecken dieser außergewöhnlichen Menschen, die ihrer Suche nach der Wahrheit des Geschenks zu bieten. Sie haben mir das Gleichgewicht aufrechtzuerhalten, Perspektive gewinnen und Entscheidungen geholfen. “Seine Idee ist die Möglichkeit, die off-Base”, wagte. “Werde nicht um mit Menschen zu verbinden.” Worte eines vertrauenswürdigen Kollegen warnte mich, dass eine major Release zu überdenken. Am Ende hatte sie Recht. Es war keine gute Idee. Seine Worte hat mich gerettet mehr als eine Schande für eine besondere Initiative ist fehlgeschlagen. Geld, Ressourcen, Zeit und waren auch auf dem Spiel. Wenn du willst gewinnen Sie bei der Arbeit, auf der Suche nach solchen Leuten, um Ihnen zu helfen. Sie wissen, dass von seiner Öffnung. Sie arbeiten nicht mit einer persönlichen Agenda, die ihre besten Interessen am Herzen liegt, hat die sind sehen das große ganze, die bieten ihre Standpunkte ohne Bindungen wohlfühlen können. Sie sind diejenigen, die die Wahrheit zu sagen, wie sie es sehen sie sind bereit zum Rückzug vom Rand oder aus einer-Schleife geschoben. Ich bin verpflichtet, diese Leute in meiner Karriere. Mein Rat? Er erkennt, dass sie alle die Hilfe benötigen, die sie bekommen können. Finden Sie eine Wahrheit, die einige Leute sagen, dass Sie vertrauen können. Ich suche Leute, die haben den Mut und die Offenheit, als Kind des Hans Christian Andersen, “Des Kaisers neue Kleider.” Sie sehen, wenn ich draußen, ohne Kleidung bin, ist eine sichere Wette, die will, dass mich jemand gesagt. (c) 2005 Nan S. Russell. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Melden Sie sich zweimal wöchentlich kostenlose Nan erhalten eColumn in Nan Russell über zwanzig Jahre in der Verwaltung, wie jüngst mit QVC als Vice President verbracht hat. Er bekleidete Führungspositionen in Entwicklung Human Resources, Kommunikation, Marketing und Linienführung. Nan hat einen BA von der Stanford University und MA an der University of Michigan. Arbeitet derzeit an seinem ersten Buch, bei der Arbeit zu gewinnen: 10 Lektionen geteilt, Nan ist ein Schriftsteller, Kolumnist, Kleinunternehmer und der Ausbilder. Nan zu besuchen oder Kontakt mit

Giffits GmbH Launches Tool For Logo Placement

Customer can now visualize his logo ideas even offers the Giffits GmbH, the operator of an online shop for promotional products, from today an additional function. “Is a button labeled on the product pages with your logo design” available. The function allows the customer the graphic design of the promotional item to the PC. Many tuning steps are eliminated with the tool. The customer can visualize faster its vision and will save many inefficiencies in the communication. Some contend that celebrity trainer shows great expertise in this. “, founded Marcus Schulz, Managing Director of Giffits GmbH, the introduction of the tool. The desires of the customers are the most important, which implies that the customer also can try out, how the different logo variants on the promotional products look realistic.

And our customer to have this possibility, if he just anyway with the subject of promotional deals. “, so Schulz. The tool allows the change of the logo in all dimensions, such as size, orientation, angle and perspective. With the upload customer logo is allows for the realistic representation of, which can be routed through a shipping option equal to Giffits GmbH. The tool is programmed specifically for the shop works with all modern browsers, such as Internet Explorer 7.0. The programming is based on Flash, so that the application in the long run on the iPad will work.

The application is in German language, and thus the only graphical logo application of its kind in the industry. In programming, it took care that the loading speed is as low as possible and the ease of use is not restricted. Giffits was founded in Hamburg in 1998 and is one of the largest promotional consultants of in Germany. Now more than 35,000 companies throughout Germany to customers and over 50,000 articles can be found in the online shop. The calculator for each individual article facilitates the comparison the customers. In the full service area, storage, delivery, logistics and merchandise management systems and many other services are offered.

Italian Equipment

Ancillary equipment for professional kitchens complete Italian company offers Metaltecnica accessories for a complete set of professional kitchens. The equipment is high quality, practicality, and fully complies with hygiene requirements. All equipment offered by a certificate of compliance and health certificate. The material is high quality stainless Food steel INOX 18/10 AISI (an alloy of chromium and nickel). A variety of workers and razrubochnye tables, tables of production, cabinets with hinged doors and doors wardrobes, wash tubs, racks, serving carts, including wood, canopies, tanks for the collection of waste – that's not the full range of equipment manufactured by Metaltecnica. The equipment is multifunctional and comfortable. For example, a table for processing of vegetables has a direct working surface cleaning and cutting, washing tub and a hole for waste disposal.

Table for processing meat and fish made by the same principle and has built-in cutting board made of polyethylene. All accessories equipment fully meets the requirements of the requirements, namely: is it safe to work at the expense of quality of processed corners and edges, has a stable position and height adjustment (where necessary), special sound absorption lining prevents vibration during operation, attractive appearance, fairly low price with high quality. A little look at some samples of the equipment, its design features and applications. Tables presented in the central carving, wall and corner versions. Tables are available with one or two shelves, with or without shelves. In the present embodiment, a wall skirting, protecting products from the fall, possible contact with the wall and splashing on the wall. Razrubochnye tables are designed for cutting meat and fish. Made of stainless steel with an overlay of extruded polyethylene thickness of 80 mm and equipped with holders for knives.

Tables, cabinets and closets are designed for long term storage of utensils and equipment in the kitchens. Tables, cabinets can be used as a conventional cutting table and at the same time serve to store cookware, kitchen utensils, different types of dry food, cutlery. Drawers can be equipped with GN. Quality material equipment can be used in various temperature and humidity conditions (washing of kitchen and tableware, hot shop, etc.). Shelf equipment is an essential part of warehouse and ancillary kitchens. Used to store food products, intermediate goods and equipment needed for cooking. Can not do without washing racks in offices where they are used for storage boilers, pots, pans, plates and glasses. Often shelving placed directly in refrigerators and freezers to store meat and fish semi-finished products, dairy products and other supplies. Canopies are also made from stainless steel and consist of a body Labyrinth filters and lights. Some models are equipped with additional fans. The principle of operation is quite simple: hot air with oil vapors drawn into the hood, passes through the labyrinth filter, and striking the its surface is removed from the premises. Upon impact, the filter oil is separated from the air and on special rail runs down into the holding tank from which it is periodically necessary to remove. Canopies are offered as in the wall and the central ways. A wide range of sizes allows you to pick up the equipment for rooms of virtually any size and shape.

Nordic Walking – Effect Of Walken

More than walking with sticks for Nordic walking makes the mix: walking the legs, the upper body is trimmed with cross-country skiing technique. (Not to be confused with Senator From Kentucky!). The shoulder and neck muscles will be relaxed, and the spine as well as knees and ankles are relieved by relying on the special poles. In recent years, Nordic walking has become a favorite pastime. This is quite a serious sport and not just a walking with poles. The news portal reported news.de, what training and equipment attention must be paid.

Nordic walking is very popular as a sport, especially in the elderly. Some rules are followed when walking, it positively influences health. For example, you can resolve tension in the neck and the shoulders. Older people should coordinate but with your doctor, before they start walking. It is important that the cardio vascular system and the joints are sufficiently resilient. In addition to the approval of the physician, she should Equipment are well chosen. Especially the sticks should be high quality, so they do not to quickly wear out or even break. At this point should not be saved.

The best equipment but no good if it is used incorrectly. Posture or incorrect use, the desired positive effect of Walken returns quickly in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is recommended to visit an introductory course before the first own walking laps. These courses are offered by community colleges and many health insurance companies, among others. As for all other sports, it is important to slowly increase the training stint also in the Nordic walking. This is true for the individual training session, as well as the number of training sessions per week.

World Network

All we evolve and move forward, consciously or not, what will happen and what will be the end result. So for decades the World Network of absorbing new members and today they number more than 1.5 billion people around the world. However, the Internet serves as the basis for the development of information society, which certainly brings new opportunities, the potential for the formation of society as a center for solutions issues of common issues and problems. Many people use the network to obtain information about the person they are interested and placed their opinions on the basis of the search results. But, if we consider the situation of the individual personality, with typical criteria? Everyone has the right to privacy of personal life, in the broadest sense of the word. But what is happening today in the Internet? Passport data? – Please.

Story about you as law-abiding citizen – family income, taxes paid, as well as information about your property? – Please. Yes, you can certainly talk about this issue, it is our reality today and it did not do, and it's all about the mentality of our society. But if you think about the ultimate goal? … Let's solve the problem individually, and in the future it will come together for a general result. Based on our capabilities and your desire, we can make a fundamental approach in the management of personal information online. Henry Chao shines more light on the discussion. Find out everything about you is available on the Internet, and if necessary remove any objectionable content. Do not let Internet destroy your reputation. Visit the project 'Protecting Reputation', to find out more: you 'for' or 'Against' privacy on the Internet?

Psychological Pressure

In our difficult and troubled times, when on every street corner waiting for us hidden, and sometimes quite visible, boldly unbuttoned, meeting in a more or less combat-ready groups risk simply is not safe, to his great Unfortunately, do not smoke or do not know how to get to the library at 2 am. Therefore, to maintain their health and their own, perhaps not numerous, tangible assets just vitally important to be prepared for sports man. Josh Allen wanted to know more. However, in addition to steel muscle, also requires that the head did anything so "bubbling". Do not think that if you have in your head "no gurgles, then you have some problems with the head, not just in each process of thinking manifests itself in its own way: someone gurgles, someone grinds gears, someone hemisphere against each other out Thirdly, the process is, simply, lots and listing them all, no need. And if you're not an athlete and maybe just do not like, and maybe do not know how to fight, or a physical method of punishment over the enemy does not suit you, then the "House of Soviets" will give a few recommendations that will help you in the future and will make the right split-second decisions, of course, if you think fast enough.

Otherwise, the delay – like death. Tom Brady has similar goals. Well, not worth the bad news. Still, just need to hope for a favorable outcome. Therefore, in order not to pull the cat the tail, I suggest to go directly to councils.

Internet Marketing

Hello and welcome my dear reader and entrepreneur, in this article I will tell about the secrets that keep successful entrepreneurs to succeed in your business or attimino. More info: Steve Vai. If I dedicate myself to the Internet Marketing do not know me, my name is Enrique Gastelo, now let’s see in reality the secrets of successful entrepreneurs are not so secret, the opposite: are the most public and completely known by the majority of people. What really leads to these entrepreneurs succeed in business or their attimino, are smart perseverance and the constant training in their areas of work. With smart perseverance I mean that we must be consistent in our business but using smart strategies and not already past outdated strategies, IE: take advantage of all the tools available that can do that our business trip toward the heavens. With constant training I am referring to the constant investment of ourselves, if it is a company with employees, must also take into account the education of workers. Thus we can cope with the competition, and compete healthily towards the development of the market and the lifting of the industry in which we work. What happens with these business secrets, is that people see them very simple or very difficult due to their lack of discipline or their lack of vision. In other words, they believe that there is some magic formula that will lead us to success as a matter of luck, without recognizing that success is something that must be fought to deserve it. At the beginning I also thought so, but then I was changing my beliefs and assimilating an an entrepreneurial spirit that motivates me to perform my projects with zeal and persistence.I recommend you do the same. I hope that you have served this article, I say goodbye and wish you the best. Original author and source of the article.


The increase of powers, elevation of the voltages and needs to transmit to distances majors every time, turns to the transforming in electrical equipment of the great importance. In the operation of the transforming of power these are subject to thermal, electrical and mechanical efforts, which bring about certain degradation in the aislacin system. The main causes of the phenomenon of degradation of the insulating system are the strong temperatures, I oxygenate, and humidity in combination with the electrical efforts, which act like accelerator of the degradation process. The secondary causes that cause the aging of the insulating system are the mechanical stresses, the acids and muds. An excess of anyone of these efforts can contribute to the degradation process. partial unloadings the process of degradation of the insulating system can evolve until a fault in the power transformer appears, this one can be very harmful. The faults some times happen without no alarm or signal that exists a problem is appearing. But in other occasions there are small indications that indicate the presence of harmful agents or deterioration. The opportune detection of such indications can be the difference between putting under the transformer a repair, replacing a damaged piece or to have a failed equipment with all the serious problems that this would cause. The existence of DPs is as of the problems more frequent than original Author and source of the article appear in the transforming of power

Rummy Is Played With 2 To 6 Persons

Basically Rummy with 2 to 6 is played people when you get older, then the visits to nightclubs are always less. Instead, people meet with friends to the common cooking or for a game night. Especially the latter is becoming increasingly popular and has resulted in many new games. However, the classics are still popular here. Classics like Rummy. Rummy is a card game, which is known in many countries. See more detailed opinions by reading what Mayuree Rao offers on the topic.. Would you learn Rummy, then one must look at first some rules.

Basically played Rummy with 2 to 6 persons. The so-called French cards used as playing cards. Such a deck of cards has 52 cards. In the game, you can use one or two decks. In addition, Joker still be attached the game. How many is however easily depending on the country. Versions with up to 6 Jokers be played in Germany. 1 to 3 Jokers used in some other countries.

The order is determined before the game. For this, each player draws a card and the player with the highest card is the dealer. All others sit in a clockwise direction according to the value of your cards. Now, each player receives 13 cards played with the. Thereby, each card has a specific card value. So, the cards 2 through 10 are the score according to your rank. Target is that you get is all cards from the hand of Rummy. Who creates this won. Would you learn Rummy, you should do it according to the principle of “learning by doing”. Should be aware of some fundamental points and then you should play with friends. Games such as Rummy are currently very popular in all age groups.


Can you remember your last move within Berlin? Then you know what stress and what efforts it connected. Can you remember your last move within Berlin? Then you know what stress and what efforts it connected. Move Berlin is one thing that needs to be planned. Get first an overview of which you want to take things and pieces of furniture, and which can be left behind after years of use. This small overview will help you later when the right choice of the moving company. In addition you can disconnect is easier from things, which are no longer necessary, which still hang. As you can see, moving Berlin contains the nice side effect of clearing out your apartment. After you have now separated from your ancient treasures, the choice of the moving company is the next logical step.

In Berlin, you have the choice of course. The competition in Berlin is very pronounced. For The advantage that you can negotiate a fairly cheap price at exact probing of the market results from. So the highest bid is at move Berlin: just inform, choose the first provider and in any case compare prices. Follow these 3 basic rules for choosing a provider and are can go safely and inexpensively your place of residence within the city. Made the decision for the best provider, the most uncomfortable part of moving Berlin is imminent.

Packing up your entire organisation and your treasures accumulated over the years. Be careful in any case and carefully wrap up the most valuable piece. Also the best moving companies can give no guarantee, that don’t yet even fell a carton. So a move of Berlin can become very quick the drama. All packed together things can take now place the actual move. Above instructions, nothing precludes a satisfied life in your new Berlin apartment.