If it will be consumed with moderation makes well but in excess as any another food makes badly, because of the caffeine. Objective: To analyze if the present caffeine in the coffee makes well or badly for the professional of the education. Justification: Therefore the coffee sufficiently is consumed enters the professors in the schools, remembering that it is a stimulant that leaves the person most irritated, felt it necessity to make a survey of the risks and benefits seno would be the case to change these habits for calmantes teas as camomila and grass-candy. caffeine a chemical composition, classified as alkali, belongs to the group of xanthins, chemically assigned as 1,3,7-trimetilxantina (C8H10N4O2) medicinal Properties? He is analgesic? Cardiotnico? Digestive? Diurtico? Stimulant? Exciting substance? Intellectual Revigorante? Sudorfero? Tonic? It increases the metabolism? Stimulant of the nervous system? It diminishes the mental fatigue? Dilatar the bronchis? ' assists in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus when lowering the glucose; ' Adverse effect the caffeine is associated with ssea desmineralizao, being able to contribute for osteoporose. 2. Some recent studies show to a possible relation between the consumption of caffeine and the cancer of bladder. Other studies show that the consumption of 1 xcara of coffee to the day is enough to increase the risk of stomach cancer, kidneys, pulmoes, colon and esophagus. 3.
Worsening of pictures of anxiety, sleeplessness and depression. 4. Problems in the stomach (gastrites and ulcers) and refluxo (azia). 5. Rise of the pressure arterial, of the glicemia and the cholesterol, exactly how much taken without sugar. 6. The consumption of 5 xcaras of coffee per day is associated with an increase of 300% in the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.
7. Increase of the risk of abortions and you drink been born with low weight, when consumed for gestantes. 8. Certainly it is the consumed drug more in the world, for allowed and being considered harmless by the population.