Without a doubt the transit in Brazil, which had to the use of the alcohol already arrived the data that worry very, not only the authorities, but also to all society, and the consumption levels do not stop to grow, as National Survey of the Standards of Alcohol Consumption was divulged in the I in the Brazilian Population, in 2007, where 28% of the adult Brazilian population had consumed drunk alcoholic in excess at least a time in last the 12 months. I believe that the weakness of the familiar structure with passing of the times, the loss of important values as the union, the respect for oldest, to the religiosidade, the lack of support to the education, the emphasis in the freedom in detriment of the duties of each citizen, can have among others been the propeller spring of the barbarity that we are testifying in this time, through the violence in the transit, the seio of the families. An interesting research in Australia, interviewing 8,256 students of 10 the 14 years of 30 estratificadas communities to represent different socioeconmicos and regional levels, demonstrated that ' ' the practical one of familiar convivncia can contribute for the attainment of abstinence of the alcohol in the adolescents. In addition, a narrow emotional relationship with the father, can also promote the abstinence; however behavior of the alcohol consumption for the necessary father also to be considerado' '. This information can in them take the important reflections, as for example, we must leave to enter alcoholic beverage to enter in our homes, what this anger to influence in our children, agrees presents them to these drugs precociously you bid, however dangerous, never we must forget that the alcoholic beverages are the transport of entrances for other drugs. We said that it is the entrance door, therefore drunk, the people if they become more vulnerable, in such a way finish trying drugs as marijuana, craque and even though the cocaine in the dust form, that more is spread by there. The form most efficient of not becoming a chemical dependent of these and other drugs, is without a doubt not to try them, from the moment that we try, is opening a space for the possible vice. The knowledge of the curses of each substance, the dialogue, espiritualizao, the healthful life, is between the best answers that we can give at the moment. On the other hand, after to become using or dependent, the search of professional aid is the only exit, very difficult, many does not obtain, must first be of proper will, that is, the user or dependent must want to cure themselves, contrary case is almost impossible the whitewashing of the person.
Month: August 2012
Robert Epstein
A new study carried through for Robert Epstein, professor of psychology and researcher of the University of Harvard, together with Shannon L. Fox, showed the efficiency of ten ' ' types of competncias' ' in the creation of the children proven for some scientific inquiries. Ten attitudes to create happyer children: 1-Love is essential. He is importantssimo to accept and to support the children as really they are, showing it loves that them of this skill and using to advantage each moment next to them. It estresse 2-Manage it. To reserve a time you to relax, looking for to make exercises or something makes that you well, are something that helps in the emotional balance. If everything this not yet to advance, invests in the psycotherapy to better understand and to control its feelings and action.
3-Ability of the relationship also counts. To keep a healthful relation with the partner or other important people in its life and the one of the child, demonstrates how much it is important to keep true affective relations. 4-Incentive to the autonomy and independence. It is basic to treat the children with respect and to stimulate them it if to become confident people and with initiative. 5-Follow the learning. It is important that the parents value and follow the curiosidades of its children, exactly simplest.
6-Prepare for the life. It talks on delicate subjects, as fear, sex and death in accessible language, as well as guiding them and preparing them to assume responsibilities. 7-Attention in the behavior. To recognize and to strengthen positively the good attitudes and to appeal to the punishment only when other methods, as to talk, already had failed a time more than. 8-of eye in the health. Good parents propitiate a style of healthful life and stimulate good habits as regular exercises, hygiene and feeding adjusted for its children.