Ahaus Tel LASIK

Smile eyes: LASIK using modern methods in Munich and nationwide Munich July 2011. Some LASIK clinics in the country and abroad recruit with seemingly sensationally low offers. Yet these providers can often guarantee neither modern surgical procedures nor a professional before and aftercare of patients. Awarded with the quality seal of LASIK TuV clinics by smile eyes distinguish itself against low-cost providers. Combine the holiday with a LASIK surgery? This appears also many German Universitatsallee as an attractive opportunity and many hospitals respond to demand with new capacity variants. Wais Jalali addresses the importance of the matter here. The offers come first tempting, promise but seemingly unbeatable treatment prices and a time-saving processing of throughout the operation including preliminary personal study.

But worth the entry price products “offers of relevant LASIK clinics actually?” Smile eyes advises caution and a critical examination of appropriate delivery models. This is especially true for some cheap vendors from other European countries. The treatment costs are only one of the criteria, which should play a role in the decision for or against a LASIK eye laser surgery and by no means the most important experience of smile eyes. The medical standards which apply in the LASIK treatment deserve critical consideration. The use of devices that are out of date or not well maintained, can mean an increased risk factor for patients under certain circumstances.

The same is true for the case of questionable hygiene conditions. Especially relevant is the area of personal before and aftercare; Foreign hospitals can afford this mostly insufficient. It is obvious that a patient can perceive no aftercare appointments on the spot if he departs shortly after LASIK surgery in the home. But the question of liability in the event of complications occurring is generally unclear. Visually should make their decision therefore quality criteria, not the cost. Orient the clinics of smile eyes itself strictly to the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality standard. For compliance with these quality standards, as well as other additional requirements the TuV South drew the clinics of smile eyes including at the airport of Munich officially with the seal of LASIK-TuV”from. Visually, who undergo a LASIK surgery in the clinics of smile eyes benefit of modern treatment methods (Femto – or excimer LASIK) and the experience of doctors. Furthermore, smile eyes into an intense personal before and aftercare program spot each of its performance models. More information about smile eyes and LASIK topic here: about smile eyes smile eyes eye doctors take care of since 1997 of the operational correction of vision defects. The high-volume surgeons smile eyes look back on the experience from 25,000 refractive procedures at plants in Munich, Trier, Linz, pastures and Vorarlberg and treat with modern methods. The performance of smile eyes includes the procedure in the focus Excimer LASIK, Femto LASIK, as well as the range of lens surgery.

Quickly Gain Weight

Yes, being thin is not very great. But all can be corrected. And anyone can get exactly the body that wants to. To quickly gain weight you need to pay attention to the following: 1. food You are now very important to monitor their nutrition. Here I'll tell you no super secrets. You need to consume more calories per day than you burn. And your first step if you have not already done so, you need to count the number of calories that you consumes an average of 1 day.

Yes, it's not fun to do, but you also want to gain weight fast? After counting – to add to this number 200-500 calories (can be added at first not so much to you more easily accustomed to the changes in the diet). After that, you should make a diet that will bring you many calories each day. Do not forget to use in your diet fruits and vegetables! Many of them are high in calories! After you increase your intake of calories – increases this number every 3-4 days until you reach the desired speed of weight gain. If you work or learn, and because of that you can not eat full – cook your own house high-calorie drinks and take them with you. Them without problems can be replaced by the number of calories consumed from food. 2. coaching If you want to cool the body with a beautiful relief – you definitely need to start going to the gym! The most important thing you need to know about training – Is how to grow muscle. The fact is that during training the muscles get the micro – damage components of muscle fibers.

After training, when we relax – the body restores them, and not just damaged, but little over the top. That is, instead of just healing our muscles become stronger. I allude to the fact that rest beyond important. If you have sore muscles – they have not yet recovered. How do you want to get more muscle if you just go on training? Muscles do not even have restored what was you until the last train, to say nothing of the growth. And the need to train with weights, repetitions that you can do no more than 30 seconds with a little. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. And it is not longer than 1 hour total. Otherwise, the rapid growth of your muscles impossible! 3. supplements Use supplements are not mandatory factor for weight gain. But since you are going to gain weight quickly – you'll have to strongly change the diet. And to spend time counting calories. There is additive and you may well help! Calories from them regarded as very simple as abc. When choosing supplements suggest you consider the most basic: – Gainer – Protein – Creatine (or a modern replacement to him – oxide ozota – nutrix oxide) I'm no expert on supplements, but know enough to say that these supplements are completely safe.

Lactating Women

Proverb says: “Every child is the mother one tooth”. This is the female nature, because all the necessary vitamins and minerals a child receives from its mother. Therefore, the main condition for full development the child is the rational nutrition expectant mother during pregnancy. Possible, all products must be fresh and not subjected to intense cooking. The diet of the pregnant woman should be enough protein, vitamins, micro-and macro (especially – calcium, phosphorus, fluorine). During pregnancy the female body should be 1,0-1,2 g of calcium per day. The main source of calcium milk and dairy products, so for example, a liter Milk contains a daily rate of calcium. It is also necessary to use the cottage cheese and cheese is not less than 100 grams. per day. However, for the prevention of dental caries only one calcium is not enough, so the menu expectant mother must present fish and meat, contain a useful macro elements such as phosphorus. Another useful trace mineral for teeth – fluoride contained in sufficient quantity in an ordinary black tea, as well as carrots, parsley and fish.

Expectant mother should limit the amount of carbohydrates, especially refined sugars (cakes, candy, sugar), is much more useful to use the sugar in the fruit. A pregnant woman must be fully eliminate alcohol consumption, smoking, and to minimize the consumption of coffee. During pregnancy, women should especially be monitored closely for oral hygiene. Use a toothbrush with only mild or normal stiffness of bristles and Flos (dental floss) to remove plaque from between the teeth. Always consult with your doctor, he will teach you to brush your teeth, pick up toothpaste and elixir for rinsing which has good effects on the microflora of the mouth. During pregnancy, women should visit the dentist more often than usual, so you can prevent serious illness, without compromising the health of your Child. We can recommend the following frequency of visits to your dentist: the first time after the diagnosis of pregnancy before 20 weeks – once in 3 months, 20 to 32 weeks – once a month, after 32 weeks – twice a month dental treatment can be safely started after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Never put off visiting the dentist, any problem can be solved at an early stage without any consequences for your health and your baby. When visiting the doctor must inform that you are expecting a baby in the arsenal of dentistry “Dent-Profi sufficiently effective and safe health products. The first step to the health of your child you’re done, read, these recommendations. For detailed advice contact our specialists. We wish you and your child with good health!

Wuppertal Oxidice

simply brilliant reported effective disinfectant for cleaning in hospitals. HECTAS uses Oxidice S-des a for more than a year successfully with their customers. Educate yourself with thoughts from Rand Paul. Wuppertal, January 14, 2010 indicating MITTELDEUTSCHE broadcasting on January 19, at 19 h 50, in his broadcast just awesome”a contribution through the disinfecting agent Oxidice S-des. The disinfecting product belongs to the Group of Sauerstoffabspalter, is however harmless to human beings and nature and represents no hazardous materials. HECTAS facility services Stiftung & co. KG, specialist for commercial cleaning in whole Germany, used the funds exclusively for more than a year to their customers. CEO of Ford will not settle for partial explanations.

Our experience has shown that this innovative product is highly effective, material compatibility, effective through short reaction times and completely harmless for people. This simplifies much as conventional disinfectants must be stored, for example, specially due to its harmful substance or leave residues on the ground”, explains Jens Koenen, head of marketing and business development of HECTAS. Scientific tests show that Oxidice S-the not only the Norovirus or MRSA, but also the bacterial pore Clostridium difficile successfully eliminated. Our customers, including many hospitals and nursing homes, rely on our recommendation to use this special means”, as Koenen. We give them a holistic concept relating to hygiene and disinfection, with which they achieve a much higher quality of hygiene and for their patients and employees and thus the risk of costs at the same time reduce the risk of contagion.” The broadcast simply brilliant presents every Tuesday special developments and smart inventions from various categories such as health or environment. See the full post in GALFETTI, MDR, January 19, 2010, 19:50 hours.

For more information about Oxidice S-also, see des. HECTAS: HECTAS facility services Stiftung & co. KG with its headquarters in Wuppertal is one of the leading Quality infrastructure building service provider in Europe. The company employs 12,000 employees in nine European countries in the segments building-cleaning services, building services and security services. HECTAS was founded in 1974 as a subsidiary of the Vorwerk group. HECTAS offers its sophisticated, developed individually for each customer solutions, inter alia in the fields of industry, management, food processing, health and care, trade and logistics. HECTAS is a member of the quality network building services is for all branches according to ISO 9001 and 14001 certified. Your personal contact: Jens Koenen, head of marketing and business development Tel.: + 49 (0) 202-564 43 60 fax: + 49 (0) 202-564 43 50 E-Mail:

Classification Of Vitamins

Currently, vitamins can be characterized as low molecular weight organic compounds, which, being a necessary part of the food present in it in extremely small quantities compared to Its main components. Vitamins are divided into two groups: 1) vitamins, fat soluble 2) vitamins, water soluble 1. Vitamins, fat-soluble vitamin A (retinol, akseroftol) Vitamin A has an effect on growth rights, improves skin, promotes resistance to infection, provides growth and development of epithelial cells, is a part of the visual pigment retinal rod eyes – rhodopsin and visual pigment cones – iodopsin. These pigments regulate the dark adapted eye. Lack of vitamin A leads to poor vision in low light ('night blindness'). Manifestations of hypovitaminosis A: The skin becomes dry and rough on arms and calves feet, flakes, keratinization of hair follicles makes it rough. Nails are dry and dull. Frequently observed conjunctivitis, characterized by dryness of the cornea – xerophthalmia.

There is also a weight loss (up to depletion) in children – growth retardation. Symptoms of excess vitamin A: drowsiness, fatigue, headache, facial flushing, nausea, vomiting, irritability, frustration gait, pain in the bones of the lower extremities. May observed worsening of cholelithiasis and chronic pancreatitis. Vitamin A is found only in foods of animal origin (fish oil, milk fat, butter, cream, cottage cheese, egg yolk, fat, liver and fat of other organs – heart, brain). However, in the human body (in the intestinal wall and liver) vitamin A may be formed from some of the pigments, called carotenes, which are widespread in plant foods.

Eyeglass Frames

Refractive index (index) glass lenses – most important indicator of class spectacle lenses. General rule: The higher the index, the smaller the thickness and curvature of the lens, giving the same diopters. And the stronger the lens you need, the more noticeable difference. In practice this means that the lenses with a high index will be easier, they will be less distorting your face and eyes, they will be easier to pick up a slim and stylish frame. In modern lenses index ranges – for optical glass within 1,5 – 1,9 and for optical plastic – in the range 1,5 – 1,7. Lens with index close to 1.5 are considered low-index and with index greater than 1.6 – high viscosity. Material spectacle lenses – now the choice lies between the glass and plastic.

Definitely an advantage can not give neither the one nor the other lenses. The advantages of plastic lenses – it's easy – the weight of an optical plastic half glass and because of your glasses with plastic lenses are much lighter. Less traumatic than glass, because plastic is resistant to splitting and its fragments are less dangerous. Plastic provides a great opportunity for treatment, in particular for coloring lenses. The advantages of glass lenses – in general the index of refraction (index) glass lenses is higher than plastic.

In addition, the strength of the glass is higher than that of plastic. This means that the quality of glass lenses, with equal diopters, may be thinner and flatter than plastic. Thus, the choice of points is to begin with the choice of lenses, especially if you need correction expressed violations with many diopters. choosing frames for glasses Eyeglasses Frames should adequately "straighten" your eyeglass lenses. What you should know when choosing a frame for spectacles: the choice of frames needed to pay particular attention to such details as the mobility nosouporov – hard nosoupory often put pressure on the nose and cause rapid fatigue. It is advisable to choose a frame with a soft silicone, mobile nosouporami. Size earhook has to match the distance from the rim to the convexity for the auricle. Temples should not exert pressure on the temples and the area behind the ear. The frame should be convenient and not cause fatigue even after long use. Cheap metal frames, of unknown origin in contact with skin can cause severe allergic reactions and irritation. If we talk about glasses, not only as an instrument for vision correction, but also as a means of image and style of a man, the role of properly chosen Classes here is undeniable.

August Climate

It is tempting to rest somewhere in the mountains, but before buying a round, it will be useful to test his blood pressure: patients with unstable pressure and general problems of the cardiovascular system of mountain climate generally does not fit. It is not easy to suffer from bronchial asthma – in countries with high humidity, especially in Australia, they do nothing. Well, if perceptive managers advance warning of this. And if not? Travel to the continent – one of the most expensive. Fly there for the sake of attacks of breathlessness – Top negligence. Train or plane? Coveted vacation at sea, too, shows not all. Travel to warm countries should be avoided for women who have had uterine bleeding, menopausal disorders, as well as host hormonal treatments for diseases of the uterus, mastitis, thyroid and adrenal glands. In general, having problems, especially gynecologic, women need more careful to pick a country (ie, climate) for the rest. The same also applies to pregnant women.

But if you really really want to visit the Black or Mediterranean Sea, it is better not to go there in the hottest months – until June or late August. Well, in some African countries, in Mexico or Cuba hot already in early May, to the same flight for the unhealthy person can be very tedious. By the way, doctors climatologists claim that for smoother, more acclimatization trip on the train is preferable. Of course, if there is a choice between air and rail. In particular this applies to people suffering from cardiovascular disease or hypertension, which fly to the south by plane is not: too rapid change of climate, and the pressure drops in flight cause suffering. The car is longer than the road, the easier it is to adapt to the changing time and climatic zones. And what about the children? Even more caution. Must choose countries with comfortable conditions for recreation: a hotel with air conditioning and a decent kitchen. European resorts in this sense is preferred. But here, too abrupt climate change could bring some nasty surprises. Pediatricians warn: from the scorching sun with increased excitability or inhibition in a child may begin vomiting, which is often mistaken for food poisoning and treated accordingly.

Even with rickets, where the sun helpful to the child as possible should be in the shade. With regard to very young children, up to 5 years, on this score pediatricians agree: travel to distant lands to them, but harm, nothing will bring. In addition, a third of babies there are complications after the flight by air: violation of vestibular function, high blood pressure, headache, otitis, colds. Do not be doubtful! At the same time we should not exaggerate the possible negative impact of foreign holidays. Most tourists still traveling with pleasure and safely return home. Well, sick or suspicious people and without our warnings are sitting at home or spend free time at the cottage. If you’re an avid traveler and has recently traveled with no apparent harm to health, you have no reason to worry. All of the above – just good advice to err on the surprises in a foreign country.

Chinese Massage

Massage is one of the oldest methods used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of various diseases. As an independent method of treatment, he became known to the reign of China's Tang Dynasty (618-907). Chinese Scientists have found that massage helps to improve the natural functions of the body. For example, using it may increase or decrease the number of leukocytes, significantly strengthen the immune system by increasing amount of antibodies in the body, balance the muscle content of chemical substances from the body toxins and more. As in any other direction of oriental medicine, the basic rule of Chinese massage is the treatment not the disease, and patient. Its basis is to adjust the energy status of the human body and its complete adaptation to the environment external energy.

During the massage of certain points is therapeutic effect, with the addition of mechanical action on the acupuncture points are produced and biopower. Chinese Massage Tui-Na is used in a variety of ailments. Headaches effectively use acupressure neck and head, internal organs are treated by acupressure foot and leg massage will help in diseases of the veins and locomotor system. Just one type of Chinese massage is a massage using gouache, which is an instrumental impact on different fields of skin receptors. Scraping method gouache different parts of the skin sends a damaged organs and tissues of the most powerful energy impulses to help restore their function. In the appointment procedures of massage is very great attention is paid to the general state of the patient. ion regarding this issue. First of all, assess the state of the spine revealed pathological skin areas and areas with high muscle tension.

Then gently stroking produced a complete relaxation of the patient's body, which is very easy procedure for diagnosis, the results of which will be assigned to individual treatment course. Regardless of which method of treatment is chosen, there are several basic techniques of Chinese massage, which includes kneading, rubbing, stroking and vibration. All procedures conducted under sterile conditions, using various oils and other components needed for a particular treatment. The duration of treatment – 10 – 30 min. It all depends on the area massaged body parts. Often massage combined with additional procedures. Usually a course of Chinese massage consists of 6-12 procedures, repeated every 2 or 3 days. At the beginning of massage treatments can be a bit painful, particularly at high muscle tension. Feeling the pain, you must inform masseur. To achieve total relaxation during the massage procedure is recommended not to eat or drink for 2 hours before the session, as well as empty intestine. Chinese massage is directed not only to cure diseases, but also an excellent tonic and health by supporting the livelihoods of the body. This is an excellent remedy for insomnia, will help to significantly improve endurance and work capacity of the organism. It is often used even for treatment of children. Literate systematic massage helps to improve memory and attention. It must be remembered that for Chinese massage, like any other, there are contraindications. These include allergic and skin diseases, fractures, skin trauma, pregnancy, and infectious processes in the body.

Regenerate Hair In A Easy And Efficient Way

Hair loss is a problem that most people have to face in a moment of their lives or another. For some, only appears at the end of life, while others seem to have the disadvantages that arise from the beginning. Unfortunately, the number of cases in the early to mid-life hair loss is increasing these days, and people have begun to turn in desperation to the solutions of different hair regrowth to try to avoid a problem they see as belonging only to "elderly." Not all of these solutions actually work however, so be careful that the treatment method to look. The most common treatment method that most people in the United States are trying these days is the use of drugs to the scalp. This usually takes two forms, either ingested medicines, shampoo or hair growth solutions. In the case of drugs ingested, the recovery of hair is often one of strengths and successes, with about half of the users and mild regrowth or at least a cessation of hair loss. From genetics and lifestyle play an important role in hair loss, however, does not work for everyone. Hair growth shampoo solutions also vary in effectiveness.

For the most part, however, treatment of hair shampoos do not actually stimulate regrowth of hair on bald spots, but increase the rate of hair growth remaining hair strands. Shampoos, therefore more effective for mild hair loss, while individuals with large bald spots would be better than the search for oral drugs. On a related note strangely enough, some people discovered that some forms of herbal products used by professional horse breeders worked on humans too, and actually promotes new hair growth in balding areas. If the medication does not work, the only other form of hair growth commonly used and accepted these days is to go for surgery of the scalp. The most widely accepted and demonstrated the type of hair transplant surgery.

This basically involves taking a patch of hair on the scalp after graft them in patches of baldness. This technique is used to make believe that would be "artificial." However, grafting of modern hair transplant techniques have evolved to a point where the transplanted hair looks perfectly normal, except on very close inspection. Some physicians also choose to use synthetic hair if the patient has no remaining hair enough for a transplant as well. These synthetic filaments still seem genuine enough to be visually acceptable, but its texture feels harder than real hair. The second surgical method is newer and more radical, and is still in its experimental stages. This is actually the total transplant patch bald scalp. This method is theoretically best long term solution because the review of scalp transplanted actually allows natural growth of hair on his bald head. However, since the techniques have been refined yet may not want to go by this method yet. Finally, an effective method of treatment is often overlooked by most people is the therapy of lifestyle modification. This is only effective in cases that are caused by nongenetic factors such as stress, poor diet, and constant exposure to harmful chemicals. Passing through a change in lifestyle to avoid the things that caused the loss of hair, first, this not only stops, but can even cause baldness regrow naturally. However, if the cause is genetic (also known as your dad was bald too early), then this method does not work for you.

Youthful Skin

The skin heals is one of the important ingredients but in the feminine beauty. This article is a effort for ofrecerte 10 better tips or advice to obtain a fantastic skin. They are 10 you rule that you must follow conscientiously, so that your skin shows to freshness and vitality. 1) He knows your skin thorough: This is an obligatory action that all woman must realise. Hazte a test or consults a professional to know that type of skin you have. This way podras to choose the suitable cosmetics and to contribute to your skin exactly what needs.

2) It drinks much water: Essential for the general maintenance of the health. It is the most important point since you hydrated your skin from the interior obtaining a smooth, clean and elastic skin. 3) Clean your skin with regularity (1-2 times to the day) an effective cleaning, aid to your skin to maintain it free of harmful or detrimental elements like rest of smog, dust or other particles. For an effective cleaning it remembers to use lukewarm water since the extreme temperatures (cold or warms up) can cause damage to your skin. 4) Amiable with your skin: /exfolies nonfrictions too hard or too much often. You either do not use too many products outside your routine of habitual beauty, the constant change in the chemical compositions of the cosmetics can affect your skin. 5) Manten the humectada skin at any moment: Important point in a beauty routine. You never leave your skin is dried.

The dryness causes that the external layer stays brace and runs the risk of " romperse" , this obtains a rough, rough and opaque aspect in the skin. It uses hidratantes/humectantes/emolientes to maintain it humid. 6) It avoids the use of the common toilet Soap: this product only must be used of the neck for down, never in the face. 7) Acostumbrate to Blocking the solar Protector use/: this product protegera you of the solar radiations avoiding therefore the damages in your skin like fotoenvejecimiento, spots or predisposition to the skin cancer. Beam exercise and duer to me well: These two you rule mantendran to you relaxed and remote of stress. The lack of dream can lead to the training of wrinkles and the lack of exercise obtains that your skin becomes loose. 9) It uses products that are adapted for your type of skin, you do not experiment with cosmetics that can provocarte a imbalance in your skin. If you have doubt envelope that product to use, asks for an interview of " Cosmetico&quot advising; with a professional. 10) It moves away stress of your life: Stress has multiple harmful effects in your skin and your health. Therefore, relajate, tomato a rest, enjoys a hot water bath or takes a siesta. Sides the difference in just a short time. Source: feminine community