
Always connect your system, both when your home or commercial premises are alone and when you are on the inside. Train everyone on the correct use of the system. It is recommended for each of the people handle their own connection keys. Change the keys of those who cease to be users, and report to the security company which such person ceased to be a user of the system. Never give the connection key to anyone, not even your provider’s monitoring, because it must only be used and known by you. If you need to surrender a key to a third party, be sure to give one other than the one you used.

Give your password, only when they called company of monitoring by an activation of your system, or when is you who called the company. In any case your password will be required if there has been no activation of the system. Change their keys and passwords from time to time. Learn how to disconnect your system when activated. Keep your list of contacts (protectors) updated. It is not recommended to use the phone when the system is activated because his company’s monitoring will contact you if you have thus referred. Always have a panic button wireless that allows you: 1.

alert to any anomaly or an intrusion attempt. 2. Connect and disconnect the system with greater speed and comfort (subject to technical feasibility). Learn more about this with Wendy Rene. Periodically test your alarm system calling company of monitoring where guide step by step. Any malfunction, call monitoring company. Remember that you can always strengthen security with the use of cameras.

Tarot, Interpretations and Health

THE MOON This naipe suggests the continuous presence of envy, the deception, the jealousy, the prejudice in the daily life; it is a danger and notice. It is the false reality, that falls under our eyes; for the Indians she is Mayan, whom the habitual deceit presides over, the illusion expressed by the matter. Right: As well as the previous letter radiated the light, in this, the moon does not seem to go at night beyond the shades, in the dark hide enemies, are latent dangers in our mind, emerge unconscious with memories forgotten the past, deceits, falsification, atmosphere of insincerity, bad friendships with two faces, egoistic, danger to fall in misfortunes, little sincere calumnies, relations and interested before making a decision it must be meditated. Key words: Intuition, threshold of an important change, difficult and dark way, development of psychic powers. Navigation, experimentation, laborious work.

Invested: Dreams or deceptive intuitions, friendly mistaken, secret kept awake, memories that weigh in bring back to consciousness, dangerous fantasies, damages, are a warning for nonFIAR only of the instinct, but to be with the feet in the ground, traps, false suppositions, lunticos changes of humor, states, falsification. In the health it indicates reumatismo, cellulitis, hallucinations Key words: Dangers nonseen, enemy hidden, hallucination, self-deception, hysteria, disorientation. Instability, lies, traps, false to know, neurotic character. Scandal, secret that becomes public, blackmailer. Interpretations: In concrete it: Time of distrust that reflects uncertainties on the future. Fertility, possibility of pregnancy.

In work: The answers are after long reflection and meditation. In money: There is no fluidity, the income are suspended, but soon it will be solved. In friendship: The doubts generate distrust in the bonds. In family: Distant atmosphere where every one does what wants. In health: To take care of reproductive organs and digestives. In love: Stage of grief, does not know as to follow ahead. If you wish more information it visits LETTERS OF the TAROT Source article: Egyptian tarot Original author and source of the article