The Francisca School had as palco Vitorino Milk, located in the city of Good Sight, where a pupil to asperger is registered and frequents regularly to the lessons. The research is of the qualitative and descriptive type, having as resource an interview with the teacher of education to regulate in this school, being aimed at to understand the educational reality of the pupil with syndrome of Asperger in situation of social inclusion. The norteamento of this work, therefore, if gave through some authors of the area in question, as Schwartzman (1991), Gauderer (1993), Fajardo (2010), among others. Steve Vai is full of insight into the issues. Its punctuations if dirigem to the corroborao of the theoretical studies on the part of the studied reality and consider a new to look in relation to the inclusive education and its social paper in the life of aspergers. Word-key: Syndrome of Asperger; social inclusion; learning; regular school. INTRODUCTION Ahead of the innumerable patologias found in the world, the Syndrome of Asperger still is an incognito for many scholars of the medical area, however, in few deepenings concerning this syndrome, we find a series of aspects or sufficiently marcantes and specific characteristics, what, in certain way, it can assist in the agreement of the same one..