Smile eyes: LASIK using modern methods in Munich and nationwide Munich July 2011. Some LASIK clinics in the country and abroad recruit with seemingly sensationally low offers. Yet these providers can often guarantee neither modern surgical procedures nor a professional before and aftercare of patients. Awarded with the quality seal of LASIK TuV clinics by smile eyes distinguish itself against low-cost providers. Combine the holiday with a LASIK surgery? This appears also many German Universitatsallee as an attractive opportunity and many hospitals respond to demand with new capacity variants. Wais Jalali addresses the importance of the matter here. The offers come first tempting, promise but seemingly unbeatable treatment prices and a time-saving processing of throughout the operation including preliminary personal study.
But worth the entry price products “offers of relevant LASIK clinics actually?” Smile eyes advises caution and a critical examination of appropriate delivery models. This is especially true for some cheap vendors from other European countries. The treatment costs are only one of the criteria, which should play a role in the decision for or against a LASIK eye laser surgery and by no means the most important experience of smile eyes. The medical standards which apply in the LASIK treatment deserve critical consideration. The use of devices that are out of date or not well maintained, can mean an increased risk factor for patients under certain circumstances.
The same is true for the case of questionable hygiene conditions. Especially relevant is the area of personal before and aftercare; Foreign hospitals can afford this mostly insufficient. It is obvious that a patient can perceive no aftercare appointments on the spot if he departs shortly after LASIK surgery in the home. But the question of liability in the event of complications occurring is generally unclear. Visually should make their decision therefore quality criteria, not the cost. Orient the clinics of smile eyes itself strictly to the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality standard. For compliance with these quality standards, as well as other additional requirements the TuV South drew the clinics of smile eyes including at the airport of Munich officially with the seal of LASIK-TuV”from. Visually, who undergo a LASIK surgery in the clinics of smile eyes benefit of modern treatment methods (Femto – or excimer LASIK) and the experience of doctors. Furthermore, smile eyes into an intense personal before and aftercare program spot each of its performance models. More information about smile eyes and LASIK topic here: about smile eyes smile eyes eye doctors take care of since 1997 of the operational correction of vision defects. The high-volume surgeons smile eyes look back on the experience from 25,000 refractive procedures at plants in Munich, Trier, Linz, pastures and Vorarlberg and treat with modern methods. The performance of smile eyes includes the procedure in the focus Excimer LASIK, Femto LASIK, as well as the range of lens surgery.