Astramedia – Joachim Lauterbach Is CEO

The Board of Directors of astramedia holding ag appoints Joachim Lauterbach (44) on February 8, 2010 as the new Chief Executive Officer. He will promote the dynamic growth of the Group of companies specialising in effective Internet marketing with the on the 1st December, 2009 a new Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Konrad Hurni (46), and the young, motivated management. Joachim Lauterbach holds a degree as a diploma in business administration. He was up to his move to astramedia Chief Customer Officer and member of the Board of the listed vwd Vereinigte wirtschaftsdienste AG in Frankfurt and headed the Swiss subsidiary of vwd AG. Previously, he was responsible in management positions at Reuters, CAPCO and most recently at Thomson Financial Managing Director Germany and Managing Director for the cross-border business development. Dr.

Konrad Hurni graduated the University of St. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Bame Pule. Gallen to the Dr.oec. and SIX Swiss Exchange until his change was to astramedia as Chief Financial Officer for the Swiss Stock Exchange listed myriad group active. URS Schmidig, astramedia has evolved under his leadership from the start-up to a dynamically growing company, will leave astramedia. The Board of Directors would like to thank him for his great commitment and the successful groundwork and Urs Schmidig wishes all the best for the future. Press contact: astramedia Patric Mackenzie Veloursweberei 68 CH-8134 Adliswil phone: + 41 43 355 33 55 fax: + 41 43 355 33 50