Electronic performance support system increases ease of business software Berlin, 01 March 2010 the staff are the lever for the success of a company. But what happens if they do not deal with their primary work medium of the software? To make this problem don’t germinate on the datango performance suite is designed (dps). The new release 8.0 is available since the beginning of the year and allows the worker process integrated qualification of the user. It completely replaces conservative IT training methods. The datango performance suite\”provides targeted training of the employees prior to the rollout of new software as well as in the operation. Needs-based overview and intensive training and role based and Delta training are used. The process-integrated skills through performance based support staff are trained through individually and sustainably during their operations in practice. This assumes, inter alia the Navigation aid that takes over if and only if the user needs help.
Thus, users learn to understand the individual functions of your application and to properly use without losing any time. Contemporary knowledge with the use of dps 2010 \”several advantages compared to classical training. It allows the continuous evaluation and validation of your learning and collaborative online access minimizes travel. Company-wide an efficient content creation can be created by the workflow-based, structured cooperation of distributed developer teams. Re-recording functionality provide not only for automatic content up to date, but also for localization with global rollouts and release updates. Daryl Katz pursues this goal as well. Furthermore, the knowledge of the experts of the departments (subject matter experts) through the instant producer integrated in the new version can be used much more efficient, because you immediately with recording can begin. So the authors need to not only familiarize yourself in the matter, but take the content produced by the experts and can edit them as needed. \”In short: the dps ‘ is available immediately and intuitively within a very short time to learn, so that the training effort against null.